Finished configuring the init/shell commands Updated readme Fixed issue with missing /boot/efi directory Added new config module for setting/retrieving vm configs Updated machine setup Fixed issue with missing files added config to docs section added x86_64 support fixed issue with x86_64 update and updated README Added some content to README Added markdown export of org file Updated readme to reflect the need for guile-next Removed guile from install example exported changes to md Updated README fixed issue with sed compatibility (bsd/gnu) regenerated readme markdown Removed readme markdown file for org alternative Updated project license updated autocompile to include for now updated script updated script updated script updated msg script updated license updated to test testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing
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179 lines
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;;;; test-driver.scm - Guile test driver for Automake testsuite harness
(define script-version "2019-01-15.13") ;UTC
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alex Sassmannshausen <alex@pompo.co>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;;; Commentary:
;;; This script provides a Guile test driver using the SRFI-64 Scheme API for
;;; test suites. SRFI-64 is distributed with Guile since version 2.0.9.
;;; This script is a lightly modified version of the orignal written by
;;; Matthieu Lirzin. The changes make it suitable for use as part of the
;;; guile-hall infrastructure.
;;;; Code:
(use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long)
(ice-9 pretty-print)
(srfi srfi-26)
(srfi srfi-64))
(define (show-help)
(display "Usage:
test-driver --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
[--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
[--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--brief={yes|no}}] [--]
The '--test-name', '--log-file' and '--trs-file' options are mandatory.
(define %options
'((test-name (value #t))
(log-file (value #t))
(trs-file (value #t))
(color-tests (value #t))
(expect-failure (value #t)) ;XXX: not implemented yet
(enable-hard-errors (value #t)) ;not implemented in SRFI-64
(brief (value #t))
(help (single-char #\h) (value #f))
(version (single-char #\V) (value #f))))
(define (option->boolean options key)
"Return #t if the value associated with KEY in OPTIONS is 'yes'."
(and=> (option-ref options key #f) (cut string=? <> "yes")))
(define* (test-display field value #:optional (port (current-output-port))
#:key pretty?)
"Display 'FIELD: VALUE\n' on PORT."
(if pretty?
(format port "~A:~%" field)
(pretty-print value port #:per-line-prefix "+ "))
(format port "~A: ~S~%" field value)))
(define* (result->string symbol #:key colorize?)
"Return SYMBOL as an upper case string. Use colors when COLORIZE is #t."
(let ((result (string-upcase (symbol->string symbol))))
(if colorize?
(string-append (case symbol
((pass) "[0;32m") ;green
((xfail) "[1;32m") ;light green
((skip) "[1;34m") ;blue
((fail xpass) "[0;31m") ;red
((error) "[0;35m")) ;magenta
"[m") ;no color
(define* (test-runner-gnu test-name #:key color? brief? out-port trs-port)
"Return an custom SRFI-64 test runner. TEST-NAME is a string specifying the
file name of the current the test. COLOR? specifies whether to use colors,
and BRIEF?, well, you know. OUT-PORT and TRS-PORT must be output ports. The
current output port is supposed to be redirected to a '.log' file."
(define (test-on-test-begin-gnu runner)
;; Procedure called at the start of an individual test case, before the
;; test expression (and expected value) are evaluated.
(let ((result (cute assq-ref (test-result-alist runner) <>)))
(format #t "test-name: ~A~%" (result 'test-name))
(format #t "location: ~A~%"
(string-append (result 'source-file) ":"
(number->string (result 'source-line))))
(test-display "source" (result 'source-form) #:pretty? #t)))
(define (test-on-test-end-gnu runner)
;; Procedure called at the end of an individual test case, when the result
;; of the test is available.
(let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
(result? (cut assq <> results))
(result (cut assq-ref results <>)))
(unless brief?
;; Display the result of each test case on the console.
(format out-port "~A: ~A - ~A~%"
(result->string (test-result-kind runner) #:colorize? color?)
test-name (test-runner-test-name runner)))
(when (result? 'expected-value)
(test-display "expected-value" (result 'expected-value)))
(when (result? 'expected-error)
(test-display "expected-error" (result 'expected-error) #:pretty? #t))
(when (result? 'actual-value)
(test-display "actual-value" (result 'actual-value)))
(when (result? 'actual-error)
(test-display "actual-error" (result 'actual-error) #:pretty? #t))
(format #t "result: ~a~%" (result->string (result 'result-kind)))
(format trs-port ":test-result: ~A ~A~%"
(result->string (test-result-kind runner))
(test-runner-test-name runner))))
(define (test-on-group-end-gnu runner)
;; Procedure called by a 'test-end', including at the end of a test-group.
(let ((fail (or (positive? (test-runner-fail-count runner))
(positive? (test-runner-xpass-count runner))))
(skip (or (positive? (test-runner-skip-count runner))
(positive? (test-runner-xfail-count runner)))))
;; XXX: The global results need some refinements for XPASS.
(format trs-port ":global-test-result: ~A~%"
(if fail "FAIL" (if skip "SKIP" "PASS")))
(format trs-port ":recheck: ~A~%"
(if fail "yes" "no"))
(format trs-port ":copy-in-global-log: ~A~%"
(if (or fail skip) "yes" "no"))
(when brief?
;; Display the global test group result on the console.
(format out-port "~A: ~A~%"
(result->string (if fail 'fail (if skip 'skip 'pass))
#:colorize? color?)
(let ((runner (test-runner-null)))
(test-runner-on-test-begin! runner test-on-test-begin-gnu)
(test-runner-on-test-end! runner test-on-test-end-gnu)
(test-runner-on-group-end! runner test-on-group-end-gnu)
(test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner test-on-bad-end-name-simple)
;;; Entry point.
(define (main . args)
(let* ((opts (getopt-long (command-line) %options))
(option (cut option-ref opts <> <>)))
((option 'help #f) (show-help))
((option 'version #f) (format #t "test-driver.scm ~A" script-version))
(let ((log (open-file (option 'log-file "") "w0"))
(trs (open-file (option 'trs-file "") "wl"))
(out (duplicate-port (current-output-port) "wl")))
(redirect-port log (current-output-port))
(redirect-port log (current-warning-port))
(redirect-port log (current-error-port))
(test-runner-gnu (option 'test-name #f)
#:color? (option->boolean opts 'color-tests)
#:brief? (option->boolean opts 'brief)
#:out-port out #:trs-port trs)
(load-from-path (option 'test-name #f)))
(close-port log)
(close-port trs)
(close-port out))))
(exit 0)))