# MSG (Mac Subsystem for Guix) ## Description MSG is an attempt to create a native-like experience for GUIX on MacOS, using methods inspired by others like Podman/Docker/Lima. # !!!!Currently only compatible with M1/M2 Macs ## README (WIP) ### Prerequisites: - qemu - wget - git - xquartz (optional for GUI applications) ### Installation 1. clone the project using `git clone https://pagure.io/MSG/msg-qemu.git ~/.guix` 2. copy Guix.app from ~/.guix to your Applications folder 3. Run the guix application (this will take a minute to download the most recent image) 4. add these lines to your shell rc file (bashrc/zshrc) to access the guix environment from MacOS : ``` alias guix="ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@ -p 9001 'guix'" alias guix-env='f(){ ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@ -p 9001 /home/admin/.guix-profile/bin/$@; unset -f f; }; f' alias guix-app='f(){ ssh -X -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@ -p 9001 /home/admin/.guix-profile/bin/$@; unset -f f; }; f' alias guix-shell="ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@ -p 9001" ``` 5. Make sure to restart your terminal or source your shellrc file after editing it (e.g `source ~/.bashrc`) ### Available Commands (after adding bashrc/zshrc options) - guix : A straight passthrough to the guix application - guix-shell: Connect to the vm over ssh - guix-env : Can be used to pass cli commands interactively - guix-app : Used to passthrough X11 applications from the vm to macos using xquartz ### Notes: - Currently `guix-env sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm` is not supported. You must use `guix-shell` to ssh into the environment and then run `sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm` - The host home directory is mounted as /mnt/macos in the virtual environment - The default user/credentials are admin/admin - For xquartz to be able to display X11 apps forwarded from the vm, you must open xquartz and go to Top Menu->Xquartz->Settings->Security->Enable 'Allow connections from network clients' - If xquartz is enabled, you can use the .app files under ~/.guix/apps to launch guix programs from macos ### Discord: Feel free to join the discord server and ask questions/share your experiences! https://discord.gg/TqMDT6Gf6W ### Interested in supporting the project? Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/superkamiguru