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(define-module (game actors)
#:use-module (dom canvas)
#:use-module (goblins core)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:export (^cell
;; ^wall
;; ^wire
;; ^electron-head
;; ^electron-tail
(define* (^cell bcom #:optional val)
(() val)
(bcom (^cell bcom new-val)))))
(define (^wall bcom type)
(('tick) #f)
(match type
((or 'copper 'electron-head 'electron-tail)
(_ #f)))
(('set-wire-state type)
(bcom (^wall bcom type)))
(('describe) `(wall ,type))
(('collide) 'stop)))
(define (^block bcom type)
(('tick) #f)
(match type
((or 'copper 'electron-head 'electron-tail)
(_ #f)))
(('set-wire-state type)
(bcom (^block bcom type)))
(('describe) `(block ,type))
(('collide) 'displace)))
(define (^clock-emitter bcom interval)
(define timer (spawn ^cell 0))
(('tick) ($ timer (+ ($ timer) 1)))
(let ((t ($ timer)))
((= (modulo t interval) 0)
((= (modulo t interval) 1)
(('set-wire-state type) #f)
(('describe) '(clock-emitter))
(('collide) 'stop)))
(define (^player bcom)
(('tick) #f)
(('wire-state) #f)
(('describe) '(player))))
(define (^level bcom width height)
(define player (spawn ^player))
(define player-coords (spawn ^cell))
(define (make-grid)
(make-vector (* width height)))
(define grid (make-grid))
(define (grid-ref grid x y)
(vector-ref grid (+ (* y width) x)))
(define (grid-ref/wrap grid x y)
(grid-ref grid (modulo x width) (modulo y height)))
(define (grid-set! grid x y val)
(vector-set! grid (+ (* y width) x) val))
(define (for-each-coord proc)
(let y-loop ((y 0))
(when (< y height)
(let x-loop ((x 0))
(when (< x width)
(proc x y)
(x-loop (1+ x))))
(y-loop (1+ y)))))
(define (wrap-x x)
(modulo x width))
(define (wrap-y y)
(modulo y height))
;; Assumes that dx/dy are in the range [0,1].
(define (move-player dx dy)
(match ($ player-coords)
(#(old-x old-y)
(let* ((x (wrap-x (+ old-x dx)))
(y (wrap-y (+ old-y dy)))
(old-cell (grid-ref grid old-x old-y))
(cell (grid-ref grid x y)))
(match ($ cell)
($ old-cell #f)
($ cell player)
($ player-coords (vector x y)))
(match ($ occupant 'collide)
('stop #f)
(let ((next-cell (grid-ref grid (wrap-x (+ x dx)) (wrap-y (+ y dy)))))
(match ($ next-cell)
($ next-cell ($ cell))
($ cell player)
($ old-cell #f)
($ player-coords (vector x y)))
(_ #f)))))))))))
(define (warp-player x y)
($ (grid-ref grid x y) player)
(match ($ player-coords)
($ player-coords (vector x y)))
(#(old-x old-y)
($ player-coords (vector x y))
($ (grid-ref grid old-x old-y) #f))))
(define (tick)
(define (neighbors x y)
(define (check x y)
(match ($ (grid-ref/wrap grid x y))
(#f 0)
(match ($ refr 'wire-state)
('electron-head 1)
(_ 0)))))
(+ (check (- x 1) (- y 1))
(check x (- y 1))
(check (+ x 1) (- y 1))
(check (+ x 1) y)
(check (+ x 1) (+ y 1))
(check x (+ y 1))
(check (- x 1) (+ y 1))
(check (- x 1) y)))
(for-each (match-lambda
((refr . wire-state)
($ refr 'set-wire-state wire-state)))
(let y-loop ((y 0) (updates '()))
(if (< y height)
(y-loop (1+ y)
(let x-loop ((x 0) (updates updates))
(if (< x width)
(match ($ (grid-ref grid x y))
(#f (x-loop (1+ x) updates))
($ refr 'tick)
(match ($ refr 'wire-state)
(#f (x-loop (1+ x) updates))
(if (<= 1 (neighbors x y) 2)
(x-loop (1+ x) (cons `(,refr . electron-head) updates))
(x-loop (1+ x) updates)))
(x-loop (1+ x) (cons `(,refr . electron-tail) updates)))
(x-loop (1+ x) (cons `(,refr . copper) updates))))))
;; Initialize grid cells
(lambda (x y)
(grid-set! grid x y (spawn ^cell))))
;; TODO: actually write levels
(warp-player 10 8)
($ (grid-ref grid 4 4) (spawn ^wall 'brick))
($ (grid-ref grid 4 3) (spawn ^clock-emitter 3))
($ (grid-ref grid 5 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 6 4) (spawn ^block 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 7 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 8 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 9 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 10 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 11 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 12 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 13 2) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 13 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 13 4) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 14 2) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 14 4) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 15 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 16 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 17 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
($ (grid-ref grid 18 3) (spawn ^wall 'copper))
(let ((grid* (make-grid)))
(lambda (x y)
(grid-set! grid* x y
(match ($ (grid-ref grid x y))
(#f #f)
(refr ($ refr 'describe))))))
(('move-player dir)
(match dir
('up (move-player 0 -1))
('down (move-player 0 1))
('left (move-player -1 0))
('right (move-player 1 0)))