2023-09-16 16:10:25 -06:00

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Org Mode

* MSG (Mac Subsystem for Guix)
:CUSTOM_ID: msg-mac-subsystem-for-guix
** Description
:CUSTOM_ID: description
MSG is an attempt to create a native-like experience for GUIX on MacOS,
using methods inspired by others like Podman/Docker/Lima.
* !!!!Currently only compatible with M1/M2 Macs
:CUSTOM_ID: currently-only-compatible-with-m1m2-macs
:CUSTOM_ID: readme-wip
*REQUIREMENTS* - xquartz (if you want to run graphical applications) -
You also must go to Xquartz->Settings->Security->Enable 'Allow
connections from network clients' - Add the following to your shellrc
file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc)
alias guix="ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@msg.local 'guix'"
alias guix-shell"ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@msg.local"
alias guix-env='f(){ ssh -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@msg.local /home/admin/.guix-profile /bin/$@; unset -f f; }; f'
alias guix-app='f(){ ssh -X -i $HOME/.guix/ssh-cert/msg_rsa admin@msg.local /home/admin/.guix-profile/bin/$@; unset -f f; }; f'
*INSTRUCTIONS* - Drag the file into your Applications directory
and run!
*Available Commands (after adding bashrc/zshrc options)*
- guix : A straight passthrough to the guix application
- guix-shell: Connect to the vm over ssh
- guix-env : Can be used to pass cli commands interactively
- guix-app : Used to passthrough X11 applications from the vm to macos
using xquartz
If you would like to discuss or ask questions, join us on our Discord!